The surface that bone was waiting for

After 15 years of research, KLOCKNER introduces the revolutionary contacTi surface, which accelerates biological stability and allows final loading of the implant after 4 weeks. It is the ideal solution for immediate/early loading treatment and risk patients.



The surface that bone was waiting for


Challenges all limits

Subjected to a cold-drawing process that results in a hardening of the material without modifying its composition, OPTiMUM® cp grade IV titanium offers a higher yield point and improved mechanical properties by 64%.


OPTiMUM® titanium

Challenges all limits

Sometido a un proceso de estirado en frío que resulta en un endurecimiento del material sin modificar su composición

Our ever-present origins

The aluminium oxide sandblasting and acid passivation processes increase the implant-bone contact surface, improve corrosion resistance and promote osteoblast adhesion.


Shot Blasted

Our ever-present origins

Los procesos de arenado con óxido de aluminio y pasivado ácido consiguen aumentar la superficie de contacto implante-hueso

Materials and surfaces

Moving into the future