Cemented Solutions
Cemented prosthesis
The abutments available for your cemented works on SK2
Hexagonal connection Titanium abutments
The KLOCKNER SK2 prosthetic implant system has grade-V titanium trunco-conical heads with a 5° taper for cemented prosthetic solutions, whether for single-tooth or multiple-tooth restorations. In the event that the implant axis needs to be corrected, the SK2 prosthetic system has a cementable abutment with a 17° angle and hexagonal connection.
Threaded connection Titanium abutments
KLOCKNER SK2 implants are external connection implants with a high threaded hexagon, so the use of threaded components is possible. The 3.3, 3.8 and 4.2 mm diameter implants have grade-V titanium trunco-conical threaded heads with a 2º and 5° taper for cemented prosthetic solutions, whether for single-tooth or multiple-tooth restorations. These abutments are fixed with a retaining screw.
Burn-out abutments
For those cases that require custom cementable abutments, the KLOCKNER SK2 prosthetic implant system has straight and angled burn-out abutments that fit into the implant connection and are used for casting work.